Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Wet N Wild Zodiac Collection Review and Tutorial

Happy Tuesday!!

I'm so excited to be here today and I hope you are too!!  Caleb is on his first official FULL week of school this week and his poor teacher is already having to be out.  He was bit by a brown recluse spider over the summer and is having additional issues due to it.  I hate that for Caleb's teacher, because he's an incredible teacher and Caleb benefits so nicely being in his class.  So we are for sure keeping him in our prayers in hopes for a speedy recovery and to be back at school soon.

Okie, dokie....Today, I wanted to bring you a review and a look as to how I used the New Wet N Wild Zodiac makeup collection.  After BH Cosmetics released their Zodiac pallet (one which I am putting on my Birthday list), Wet N Wild jumped on that wagon and took off too.  They came out with glosses, highlighter bars and small eye shadow pallets. 

So I purchased one of the eye shadow pallets, one highlight bar and two of the lip glosses.  They were all the Virgo / Earth signs....well because a Virgo is Earth and I am a Virgo...so anyways, that's why I purchased those.  HOWEVER, I was smitten with the pinky colored gloss which has nothing to do with Virgo, but I loved the color and bought it anyways.  :)

So here we go....

Let's first talk about the glosses.

The pink color is called Taurus and the brownish taupe is called Virgo.  These are gorgeous in their container.  I was immediately drawn to the Taurus...although I was "supposed" to be drawn to the Virgo, but I wasn't.  Anyhow, they are beautiful in their tubes, and swatch quite nicely as well.  

But the trouble comes with the texture of them.  They are so grainy because of all of the glitter, that it makes it difficult to wear.  

They wear about the same amount of time most glosses wear....so maybe an hour as long as you don't eat or drink....but again the trouble comes from the glitter.  All that is left is a glittery mess when the actual gloss wears off.  

I wanted so badly to like these glosses but I didn't.  I really wish they would have came out with these two shades in the Cat Suite liquid lipsticks.  I love that formula and would have gladly accepted those in place of these glosses.  But it's not up to me....

So the glosses aren't something that I will be using...and it's really too bad because the colors are beautiful.

Next up is the highlighter bar. I got this in the color Earth....which is supposed to be Virgo's thing...or something like that...I really don't know that stuff.  But I do know that this thing is massive!!

Who needs this much highlight?  Of course the question could also be asked, "who needs as much makeup as I have?" ....but we won't ask that question, will we? :)

Okie dokie, I do really love this highlight.  It can be soft and subtle but it can be loud and slap you right in the face just the same.  While I do like a lot of different highlights, I feel that the golden colored ones compliment the skin (at least my skin, that is) quite a bit better than most other colors.  And that's just what this highlight bar is.  It's not a special color per-say but it's got some sort of......something....I don't know the word I'm looking for.  But there's something going on with it that makes me really love it so much.

Alrighty, lastly we have the Color Icon Eye Shadow Pallet in Virgo.

When you look at the swatches in the photo above, they really look extremely promising.....It hurts so much to say this but, I just wish so much that was the true case with these shadows. 

They just didn't perform on my eyes like I wanted them too...I was extremely disappointed in their blending.  And then when you applied the darker colors they just muddied up the look.  But doesn't that teal on the end look so gorgeous in the swatch?  And how about that lime green?  I'm a sucker for lime green.  WHY COULDN'T THEY HAVE BEEN BETTER FORMULAS?! I'm starting to tear up a bit...

 I don't understand why Wet N Wild does this sometimes with their limited edition stuff.  I don't see why they just won't use the same formula of shadow as the regular ones they have out?  Maybe there is something I surely don't know about cosmetic production and it could be harder than it really seems, to make colors like these perform like their other pallets on the regular line.  I don't know, but while I got a decent look from them finally, it took me many tries to get it there.

So, let's take a look at how I got my look. I first went in with the Rose in the Air pallet and color number 6 in the crease.  And then number 9 was used to darken the outer V.

Next I went in with a flat brush and packed on the teal color all over my lid.

Afterwards, I used a black pencil liner and lined my lower water line and then with the teal color and a pencil brush I smudged it out.

I used the highlight bar in my inner corner for some much needed brightness.

I used the color number 2 in the Rose in the Air pallet for my brow bone highlight.

I did black liquid liner on my top lash line and heavy coats of mascara and the eyes were done.

I used the brown Virgo lip color as my choice with the look and I actually loved the color it gave, but it just felt so grainy and then when the gloss wore off it was  glittery mess.  But still beautiful color.

So I do like the look I finished with, but it took many tries to get a look I actually thought was good enough for the blog.  Some of the looks I came out with, I didn't even leave the house without re-doing it.  That's how hard of a time I had with the Zodiac pallet. 

For my final thoughts.....

I love the highlight and everything about it.  The glosses, while beautiful, are not something I'd reach for because of how they feel when wearing them and how they wear off.  I think I'm going on a hunt for a color similar to the dark brown lip gloss but in a lipstick form....I'll let you know if I happen to run across one.  Then the shadow pallet....it breaks my heart that this turned out to be how it is.  I wanted so badly for this pallet's colors to be true to swatches....sadly they were not.  I am not one who gives up though, I have one more look I'm wanting to try before throwing in the towel all the way. 

So for now my recommendation is to save your money and hit up the BH Cosmetics Zodiac pallet instead of the WNW.  Unless you are going for the highlight, in which case I'd say "go for it!!"

That's all the makeup talk I have today, I will see you all again soon.  Until next time, take care.


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