Hi everyone!! Happy Friday!!
It's a busy weekend here at 523....we have our new flooring coming in later this afternoon, so hopefully the hubby is finishing the painting in Caleb's playroom for that. We are choosing to lay the hardwood ourselves. I'm not sure how smart of a choice that is. But, being that it will save us over $3000 USD to do it ourselves, I'm at least going to try. While I have been waiting to have this flooring for many years and I'm excited to finally get it...that doesn't stop the dread that I feel from actually doing the work ourselves. I don't like home repairs, I don't like to paint, I'm not a DIY'er type of girl. I just like the end result and the amount of money it saves when you do it yourself. I know that sounds awful of me, but hey, I'm gonna keep it real here. In fact last night when Brad was working on the flooring prep, I did all I could to keep myself busy with the dishes, laundry and getting Caleb ready for bed, just so I didn't have to help with the floor. I figured it was ok, since I was washing Brad's clothes....that makes it ok, right?
Here's Caleb playing around in what is supposed to be his playroom but is partially dismantled. We do have all of the carpet and the padding pulled up and glue all removed.
So, let's talk makeup, because flooring bores me so....
Today I wanted to bring you a review of the Revlon Color Stay Full Cover Matte Foundation.
First up, I didn't like this foundation from the beginning...in fact because I didn't care for it at all, I went online looking for any sort of helpful tips or tricks to make it either better, or show me how to use it correctly, because it looked way too bad for this to be right.
Sadly, there was no help. So, I still don't like this foundation. What sucks about this situation, is that I promised myself that I'd use up all of my drugstore foundations all the way, before buying any other....now I have to force myself to use up this one.
Sometimes I think I am my own worse enemy.
So the Revlon Color Stay Full Cover foundation runs about $13-$15 USD and comes in 16 colors. The texture is very mousse like...it is just like a chocolate mousse you would get as a dessert.
Below are the claims:
Revlon ColorStay Full Cover Foundation, for matte coverage that lasts up to 24 hours. Doesn't look cakey or feel heavy.
- Full coverage, lasts up to 24 hours
- Flawless matte without looking cakey or dry
- Lightweight, blends seamlessly
- Time release technology balances skin for a continuously fresh look
- Shine-free formula made with water, not oil
I do not find any sort of full coverage out of this foundation on my skin. I still had to go in with a concealer to finish up the redness on and around my nose and the darkness under my eyes. The original Revlon Color Stay foundation will cover all of this without having to use a concealer. And I will always deduct points for a claim of "last up to 24 hours"....that's just baloney. :)
(in this photo above the arrows point to the redness and dry patch on my chin, the discoloration under my eye that wasn't covered and the cakey-ness in my forehead)
Full Cover Grade: F
This foundation looked instantly cakey on my face when I applied and settled into fine lines, pores and the creases around my nose. I have very oily skin, but for some reason this foundation found a dry patch and brought it to life some how. That was something I had never had before....so it was definitely odd.
(in the photo above, you will see it sinking into every nook and cranny of my face)
Flawless, Non-cakey or Dry Looking: F
The blending wasn't too horrible, but it does stand room for improvement. I felt it blended better with a brush than a sponge, but it still looked kind of funny with either, or. The brush seemed to leave streaks in it, no matter which type of brush I used, and the sponge just made the foundation sink even further into my pores.....which was none too pretty.
Blending: D
Lastly it claims a shine free formula made with water not oil. I will give the "ok" to this claim. It actually does help keep me matte for a good portion of the day. I notice oil breakthrough around the 8 hour mark. So that's a very good standing with me and my oily skin. Most foundations usually make it to the 6 hour mark. The original Color Stay will go the 8 hours on my skin but most other drugstore foundations won't last quite that.
Shine Free: A
However, when the breakdown starts with this foundation, it really goes quick and looks patchy and gross. I have been taking off my makeup as soon as I get home on the days I have worn this foundation just because the look of it is so bothersome to me.
All Day Fresh Looking: C
So, what's the final grade for the Revlon Color Stay Foundation?
Eeek...the final grade is "D"
I can't say I'm surprised. It has been an utter disaster wearing this foundation. I would think that someone who likes the whipped formula foundations, might get along good with this one. Or if you are one who can use the liquid / powder foundation (you know those ones in the compact?) you might really enjoy this one. I cannot wear those types....I think my skin is far from flawless to use those kind.
But surely there are skin types out there that this will work for. As for me, that's all I got! I hope it was somewhat helpful for you and I hope to see you back again really soon here at 523.
Until next time, take care.
Disclosure: Some links may be affiliate links. My thoughts and opinions are mine, the products were purchased by me and in no way does this link affect my judgement on the products mentioned.