Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Blue and yellow is an ok fellow 😕...I might need some help on the title.

Ok, I had a hard time coming up with some sort of catchy phrase for my, unfortunately "Blue and yellow is an ok fellow" is kinda what we are going with.  😏

How have you been?  Is life just crazy for you?  I can't get past the fact that Caleb has only 6 weeks of school left until he's in the third grade....😭....I'm not happy about it, not one little bit.  I hate everyday that he grows makes me cry.  But, as Caleb constantly reminds me...."mommy, I'll always be your little boy".  💓

So, how was your weekend?  Whew, mine was a whirlwind....again.  On Saturday we did quite a bit of fun stuff.  It rained all day long, so Caleb decided that even though it was in the 50s that he was bound and determined to play in the puddles.  Along with my little sis and her two girlies, we went to Michaels craft store.  They have these kid's crafts every Saturday, so we attended that.  They made a bunny out of a small flower pot, bunny glitter slime (I do NOT recommend), and then they sent them on a scavenger hunt throughout the store to find different items and bring back the list checked off for a prize.

Seriously, I know what they were doing with the scavenger hunt....I would have bought the entire store out, if I didn't have my wits about me.

This scavenger hunt sent us through the Easter decor and then we went through the home decor aisles....but, no Michaels...I know that ploy, you will NOT get me to buy that cute farmhouse sign decor....even if I did imagine how beautiful it would look in my kitchen and even though there were many tears after leaving empty handed....

I might be back there tomorrow...

Okie dokie, I am dipping back into my Rimmel Jewel Rocks pallet today.

Sometimes, I get caught up in doing the same thing....even as a beauty blogger who is always trying new things...this just sometimes happens.  With my crazy schedule right now, that's how it has been for me.  So today, I decided to go back to my easy but colorful look that I have come to really love, and I wanted to show you just how simple it is to create.

Most people do not think about yellow as being an eye shadow shade they are comfortable wearing.  I think it really depends upon the tone of yellow first and foremost, but it's also in the way its executed on the eyes that determine how the look comes out as well.  I did this yellow and blue look quite a while back and have since worn it several times's so simple you will pinch yourself in disbelief.

So, let's hop to it...

First up I went in with the matte yellow shade from the pallet and swiped it all throughout my crease.  I went in with a couple coats to get the intensity I was looking for.  But you could do a light dusting if you are hesitant about a yellow eye look.

Next I used one color over, the yellowish golden shimmer, and swiped it all over my lid.

I think I might have said before, that you want to swipe these all the shimmers in the pallet, as opposed to patting, to get the best application.  Or you can use your finger or even a wet brush application.  They really work so well with those three application methods.  But patting it on will result in an overlay of shimmer and not too much color.

Next, I went in with a blue pencil liner, this one is by Loreal in Cobalt Blue, and I put it directly in my lower water line.

Then I used the blue color in the pallet and ran it along my lower lash line to smudge out the liner.

I finished up the eyes with black liquid liner on the top lash line and a few coats of mascara and moved on to the face.

I decided to go easy on the cheeks with the blush and went for the very neutral Bellisimo Bronze from Milani.

Then I used Maybelline's Clay Crush matte lipstick on my lips, and topped it with Milani's Lip Plumping Gloss in Prismatic Peach (BTW:  No, this does not plump my lips, I'm pretty sure it's just an optical illusion, LOL)

I love the way the look turned out....I thought it was a fun and easy look to create and to be perfectly honest, it's not a look that I feel is way extreme or "in your face kind" of look.  It's a subtle colorful least that is my thought on it.

So that's all I have for today....we are picking up part of Caleb's first communion suit today...the jacket has to be altered still, but it will be ready next week.  I swear that was the biggest fiasco I think I had ever been in when it came to clothes shopping.  We went to five different stores and I am pretty sure I was shedding tears in each and every dressing room we were in.

I'm so happy to have remembered the Men's Warehouse, and their assistant manager, Jonathan was there to help me out.  I spent more than I had been hoping, by quite a bit, but fortunately we did have the money for it, and I am getting what I want, Caleb is getting fitted exactly for it, and it will all be ready by May 2nd like we need.  So, NO MORE TEARS!!!  Yay!!

Well, that's all I have for today, I hope you enjoyed and will come back and visit me here again at 523!! I will talk to you all again, really soon.

Until next time, take care!


Friday, April 12, 2019

A Lazy Day....the 523 Way!! 😄

It's been a total whirlwind of stuff here at I spoke about on my last post, the house is a wreck, Easter is only a week away, school commitments and first communion are all sweeping in and must be assessed, planned and then executed.  There are just few (and I mean a VERY FEW) hours or if I'm lucky half a day to just veg out and do nothing, lately.  You have seen the blog....I used to post upwards of nearly 5 times per week, then just two and now all you hear from me are crickets.  So, I'm a busy girl...that's the point I'm getting at.  But for the rare occasion that I get to stay at home and not do a darn thing, I wanted to show you my makeup look for those special times.

While I am one who is going to STILL apply makeup, even if I don't leave my couch for the weekend.  And just for reference, yes, I have actually asked Caleb to "run to mommy's makeup room and grab the stuff on the table" and then proceed to apply my makeup from my couch.....shameful, I know.  

BUT, that was only once and it was a long time ago....but anyhow, the reason for my ramble is that even if I don't leave the house, I will still apply a little makeup to brighten up my face a bit.  Let's keep this real...I had the flu and still put on makeup just to stay at home.  There's some definite issues that I should really address about my infatuation of makeup, but that's only if I "accept" there's an issue...I'm still in denial so I frankly think I'm ok. 😉

Again, I'm getting caught up in my I apply makeup everyday no matter what.  The reason?  I don't want to walk by a mirror and scare myself, so I do what I can to make sure I feel good about what I see in the mirror.  So, today what I'm going to show you is my "lazy day, 523 way" of makeup....I hope you enjoy.

I will most definitely forgo the liquid liner on days like these....I love the look of it, but sometimes you just gotta make sacrifices in the name of simplicity.

Oh, one more will see a huge mess of toys in the background...please pay no attention....Caleb's toy room moved into the makeup room until the flooring is done.   😖

Ok, well I will always start out with making sure I have either foundation or a BB cream.  Then I will set it all in place with powder and then fill in my eyebrows.  These two steps are crucial to me feeling my best.

Next I grab a bronzer, for this day I used the Loreal Lumi Bronze It in Deep.  Go a bit easy on this because it's very pigmented and dark.

I will sweep the bronzer in and all throughout my crease of my eye. 

Next I will use the highlight shade on the eyelid and I also use it on my brow bone.  I used the Wet N Wild highlight bar in Earth.

Then I take a dark brown pencil and run it in my lower water line and smudge that out with the bronzer on the lower lash line.

I curled the lashes and topped them with a ton of mascara and moved on to the rest of the face.

I used the Lumi bronzer as my bronzer and then I popped the Neutrogena Get Cheeky Blush in Boys N Berry on my cheeks.....this is such a fresh and beautiful color for any skin tone.

For my lips I used the Milani gloss in was neutral enough, shiny enough and had just a hint of color for the look I was going for.

I put on my makeup shirt, threw my hair in a messy bun and then went to sit on the couch with Caleb where we watched movies and then of course we had to leave, we had to go to a birthday party.  I'm telling you, there is no rest for this least not until......hmmm, I think we might be free in June, perhaps. 

It's a crazy life, but it's my life and I truly love every crazy minute of it. 💓

Well, that's all I have for today...I hope you enjoyed and will come back and visit me again here at 523!!  I will see you all again really soon, so until next time, take care.


Friday, March 22, 2019

Revlon Color Stay Full Cover Matte Foundation Review - Did it make the grade?

Hi everyone!! Happy Friday!!

It's a busy weekend here at 523....we have our new flooring coming in later this afternoon, so hopefully the hubby is finishing the painting in Caleb's playroom for that.  We are choosing to lay the hardwood ourselves.  I'm not sure how smart of a choice that is.  But, being that it will save us over $3000 USD to do it ourselves, I'm at least going to try.  While I have been waiting to have this flooring for many years and I'm excited to finally get it...that doesn't stop the dread that I feel from actually doing the work ourselves.  I don't like home repairs, I don't like to paint, I'm not a DIY'er type of girl.  I just like the end result and the amount of money it saves when you do it yourself. I know that sounds awful of me, but hey, I'm gonna keep it real here.  In fact last night when Brad was working on the flooring prep, I did all I could to keep myself busy with the dishes, laundry and getting Caleb ready for bed, just so I didn't have to help with the floor.  I figured it was ok, since I was washing Brad's clothes....that makes it ok, right?

Here's Caleb playing around in what is supposed to be his playroom but is partially dismantled.  We do have all of the carpet and the padding pulled up and glue all removed. 

So, let's talk makeup, because flooring bores me so....

Today I wanted to bring you a review of the Revlon Color Stay Full Cover Matte Foundation.

First up, I didn't like this foundation from the fact because I didn't care for it at all, I went online looking for any sort of helpful tips or tricks to make it either better, or show me how to use it correctly, because it looked way too bad for this to be right.

Sadly, there was no help.  So, I still don't like this foundation.  What sucks about this situation, is that I promised myself that I'd use up all of my drugstore foundations all the way, before buying any I have to force myself to use up this one.

Sometimes I think I am my own worse enemy.

So the Revlon Color Stay Full Cover foundation runs about $13-$15 USD and comes in 16 colors.  The texture is very mousse is just like a chocolate mousse you would get as a dessert.

Below are the claims:

Revlon ColorStay Full Cover Foundation, for matte coverage that lasts up to 24 hours. Doesn't look cakey or feel heavy.

  • Full coverage, lasts up to 24 hours
  • Flawless matte without looking cakey or dry
  • Lightweight, blends seamlessly
  • Time release technology balances skin for a continuously fresh look
  • Shine-free formula made with water, not oil

I do not find any sort of full coverage out of this foundation on my skin.  I still had to go in with a concealer to finish up the redness on and around my nose and the darkness under my eyes.  The original Revlon Color Stay foundation will cover all of this without having to use a concealer.  And I will always deduct points for a claim of "last up to 24 hours"....that's just baloney. :)

(in this photo above the arrows point to the redness and dry patch on my chin, the discoloration under my eye that wasn't covered and the cakey-ness in my forehead)

Full Cover Grade: F

This foundation looked instantly cakey on my face when I applied and settled into fine lines, pores and the creases around my nose.  I have very oily skin, but for some reason this foundation found a dry patch and brought it to life some how.  That was something I had never had it was definitely odd.

(in the photo above, you will see it sinking into every nook and cranny of my face)

Flawless, Non-cakey or Dry Looking: F

The blending wasn't too horrible, but it does stand room for improvement.  I felt it blended better with a brush than a sponge, but it still looked kind of funny with either, or.  The brush seemed to leave streaks in it, no matter which type of brush I used, and the sponge just made the foundation sink even further into my pores.....which was none too pretty.

Blending:  D

Lastly it claims a shine free formula made with water not oil.  I will give the "ok" to this claim.  It actually does help keep me matte for a good portion of the day.  I notice oil breakthrough around the 8 hour mark.  So that's a very good standing with me and my oily skin.  Most foundations usually make it to the 6 hour mark.  The original Color Stay will go the 8 hours on my skin but most other drugstore foundations won't last quite that.

Shine Free:  A

However, when the breakdown starts with this foundation, it really goes quick and looks patchy and gross.  I have been taking off my makeup as soon as I get home on the days I have worn this foundation just because the look of it is so bothersome to me.

All Day Fresh Looking:  C

So, what's the final grade for the Revlon Color Stay Foundation?

Eeek...the final grade is "D"

I can't say I'm surprised.  It has been an utter disaster wearing this foundation.  I would think that someone who likes the whipped formula foundations, might get along good with this one.  Or if you are one who can use the liquid / powder foundation (you know those ones in the compact?) you might really enjoy this one.  I cannot wear those types....I think my skin is far from flawless to use those kind.

But surely there are skin types out there that this will work for.  As for me, that's all I got! I hope it was somewhat helpful for you and I hope to see you back again really soon here at 523.

Until next time, take care.


Disclosure:  Some links may be affiliate links.  My thoughts and opinions are mine, the products were purchased by me and in no way does this link affect my judgement on the products mentioned.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Rimmel Jewel Rocks Pallet - Soft and Easy Coral

Hi everyone, how are you on this beautiful Monday?  Spring break is over and I'm kinda glad.  It wasn't quite what we were planning but we made it work.  We basically fit all of our spring break activities into three days.  So that was exhausting.  But I'm glad to be back on our daily routine.  I work much better with my days all planned out for me.

So, today we are gonna do a really easy look using the Rimmel Jewel Rocks pallet.

I did this look right after I first bought the pallet and woke up late for work.  I didn't know what to do with it, so I just combined the shimmery coral and matte coral.  And then went into the lightest shimmer for a pop of brightness.

Surprisingly I got a lot of comments on the look!! I couldn't believe how nice it looked and how quick it was to create.  So today, that's what I'm gonna show off.  I hope you enjoy!

First up take the matte coral color and sweep it all through your crease.  Then take the shimmer coral color and swipe it on your lid.  These shimmers work really well when you pick up the color and swipe it across as opposed to patting it on the eye.  They are incredible when applied wet, just a FYI.

Next I went in with the lightest color in the pallet and swiped with my finger over my lid and then applied some in the inner tear duct.

Last I used the matte coral and ran it along the lower lash line and applied a few coats of mascara and the eye look is done.

For my lips I used Revlon HD Matte Lipcolor in Flare and my blush was the Milani's Bellisimo Bronze blush

And there you have it....a simple, easy, soft coral look.

Well, that's about all the time I have for today.  I hope you enjoyed the easy tutorial and will try it out for yourself.  But today that's all I got.  I will see you all again really soon.  Until next time, take care.


Disclosure:  Some links may be affiliate links.  My thoughts and opinions are mine, the products were purchased by me and in no way does this link affect my judgement on the products mentioned.

Friday, March 8, 2019

What are you wearing this Spring?

Hello and how are you on this beautiful Friday?  I'm now doing quite well....we just received news that my mom (who was rushed to the hospital yesterday) is doing much better.

So, what does your weekend plans hold for you?  I keep thinking that I am supposed to be doing something this weekend, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it is.  I surely hope it's not too important, because I will more than likely miss it.

Caleb and I have plans to go to the mall and spend some time together.  Barnes and Nobel has a book that is supposed to be in stock on Saturday.  It's the newest Bad Kitty book.  This is a series of small chapter books that Caleb adores, about a mischievous kitty.  I might pop into Bath and Body Works for some new home scents and I am sure that Caleb will want to wonder around the Lego store as well.

But those are our plans.  I suppose I could get into the post for today, huh?  Well, I have been doing some internet window shopping lately.  I saw a cousin of Brad's wearing this really cute, long, sheer kimono cardigan, not too long ago, and I thought it was such a beautiful spring look.  So I started my hunt for one.

Today, I wanted to show you which ones I thought were really beautiful and very affordable.

This leopard print kimono can be found on Amazon.  It's the perfect length and I love the print.  It's not so bold and in your face, leopard, it's more of a somewhat subtle leopard, and I really love that about this one.  I am not much for ripped jeans, but I would pair this with jeans rolled at the cuff and a white or black top, probably a tank top.  Although, wouldn't a deep red shirt look nice with too?

Ok, this next one is such a gorgeous one too!  It is a floral black kimono, also from Amazon.  I love the flowers on this one.  Again, it's a bold pattern, but not a slap you in the face bold.  It's stunning.  This one is on my top radar for now.  But I'm still deciding.

This next one is a touch different.  It's a long vest style kimono.  This one is so cute!! I love the blue color and the pop of flowers make this vest such a beautiful statement piece for Spring.  Don't you think?

This is one of the first ones I spotted...this sheer lace kimono is so pretty and very victorian era looking to me.  I love the lace on the bottom, but my absolute favorite part is the lace on the sleeves.  It gives it such a luxurious look to it.

This last kimono has the true kimono sleeves....they are very large and flowy.  This sheer floral print kimono has a beautiful subtle pattern of flowers on it, and the lighter sleeves takes this one a step up.

While all of these are under $35 USD each, I can't afford to get all of them so I will have to make a decision as to which one I can get.  I think I may go with this one.  I love the flowers, the length is near perfect and I really think it will look so beautiful.

What are you wearing for Spring?  Do you go with trendy pieces? Do you stick to mostly classics? Or do you mix it all up, like me?

I love affordable fashion, and while I know there are pieces that really need to be a quality piece of clothing, I also know what I can get in-expensively to accent my classics.  Well, I guess that's all I have for this week.  Let me know what you are wearing for Spring, I'd love to know!

But for now, that's all I got....I will be back again next week, so until next time, take care.


Disclosure:  Some links may be affiliate links.  My thoughts and opinions are mine, the products were purchased by me and in no way does this link affect my judgement on the products mentioned.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

3 Luxuries I wouldn't want to live without

Hi everyone, how are you on this beautiful but cold Wednesday?  I have a fun post today and I am super excited to bring to you.  Today I am showing off some of the luxury items that, while I COULD live without them, I really don't want to.

While I am an "all about drugstore" kind of girl, I do have my moments of wanting or just down right needing items that are far from the drugstore price.  In cases such as these, I will ask for items as Christmas gifts or use birthday money to purchase them with.  So these are not regular items I just go out and purchase because I want too or because I run out of.  These are items I save for special occasions.  I guess you could call these "splurge items" for me.  But anyways, let's get started.

First up is the Macadamia Oil Hair Mask.  The price usually runs around $25 USD.  I don't feel that $25 is expensive for many items, but when I spend $5 on my usual conditioner, $25 is a large step up for something such as this.

This little pot of deliciousness is my all time, absolute, (I could live without, but don't want too) and would cry if they did away with hair mask.  The texture is like Country Crock margarine.  That does sound gross, but that is how thick the texture is.  What's so great about it, is that I have very fine hair and even with the thickness of this mask, it doesn't weigh my hair down.  The biggest reason I can't seem to part with it however, is because of the scent.  I have never found anything smell so wonderful in all of my life!!  The scent is kind of light fruity-ness but has a high end scent to it as well.

Next up is a skincare product that is such a fantastic product.  It's the Dr, Brandt Pore Dermabrasion.

This scrub is amazing on my skin.  I love using those apricot scrubs multiple times a week, but they never compare to the results of just one time using the Dr. Brandt.  Unfortunately this little bottle comes in at a whopping $40 USD for just 2 oz.   So I do what I can to make my little bottle last as long as humanly possible.  But this is a much loved product for me.

My last and final product that is a luxury purse.  It took me over a year and a half to save up for this bag.  I think it's just goregeous and could live without it, but really don't want too.  It's the Louis Vuitton Speedy 35 handbag

This was to biggest investment (style wise) that I had ever made.  It retails for $1040 USD.  I wasn't going to go into any kind of debt to purchase it, so I did the old fashioned way and just saved money up in a little envelope until I had enough.  It took me close to 14 months to save up for it, and even after 10 years of owning it, I have never regretted the purchase.

Now, why did I purchase this bag?  Well, I am first off a collector of handbags.  It is the "shoes to Carrie Bradshaw" item to me.  I did a ton of research on the brand, the style and the craftsmanship of the LV Speedy, before finally settling in on it.  I do not carry my Speedy everyday.  In fact I only carry it once or twice a month, but that is because I don't want it to go through the wear and tear of my normal daily life.  I am rough on bags and for me, this is a "collector piece", so I want to make sure it always looks brand new.  My favorite thing about the bag is that you wear sweatpants and a t-shirt then throw the Speedy on your arm and your look has just went from roll out of bed s#!%, to roll out of bed chic. :)

So there you have it.  Luxury items that I really am good with spending my money on and have never regretted the purchase of.  What are your luxury items that you love?  Let me know what you like.

That's all I have for today, I will be back again soon, so until next time, take care.


Disclosure:  Some links may be affiliate links.  My thoughts and opinions are mine, the products were purchased by me and in no way does this link affect my judgement on the products mentioned.