Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Life of a regular mom....camping with the boys

Hi everyone, and happy Tuesday to you all.  Today's post will not be my regular post of affordable makeup and tutorials...instead I'm just in the mood to ramble a bit....I hope you don't mind.  So here we go with what's been going on in the life of a regular mom.

First up, I'm so excited!!! I got a 100 on my very last computer assignment!! While that news is awesome, I am more excited over the fact that I am DONE with that course.  I think I'd rather go back to Psychology and study that course over the computers.  I am computer stupid, I really am...despite my good grades in the course. :)  I would write to the professor and question the grade.....um or her sanity perhaps, but I'm smarter than that.  LOL  There's my stab at college humor, any good?  :)

Anyways, how was your weekend? Mine was absolutely fantastic!! The hubby, my sweet baby cakes and I took the trailer out to Texoma for the long weekend and had a blast.  They had different things going on at the resort for the kids to do.  There were water slides, golf cart parade, slime making and then there was a band on Saturday night.  We didn't go to see the band because we were all exhausted, but we did take part in the rest of the fun festivities.  But before I get too far, I wanted to show off the new bed set I got for the master bedroom of the trailer. 

I originally found it on Amazon for $90 and I had decided that I wanted it put it on my Christmas list.....I had it listed in my Amazon Cart for future purchases and then saw it was gone from it's original seller.  So I just started scrolling around the web for it again.  I found it on Overstock.com for $45.  I quickly texted the hubs and told him how much it was and eagerly awaited his reply.  I don't have to run purchases by my husband but out of respect and because I'd like the same respect shown to me, I typically will run them by him.  Well, except for makeup purchases....he doesn't need a text every other day I find myself in the makeup aisle.  So back to the set....I had this puppy all set in my cart, debit card entered and ready to hit "submit" for when he text back to say "get it coming our way".  When it came in, he surprised me by putting it all together on the bed in the trailer.  I was smitten with it. 

Okie dokie, so for this past weekend.....Brad (aka: the hubs), Caleb (aka: my sweet baby cakes), Scooby and myself all headed out for a weekend getaway for our Labor Day holiday.  We spent the entire weekend at Lake Texoma.  We arrived on Friday, the boys got there right after Caleb got out of school and Scooby and I arrived right after I got off from work.  Then Saturday my little sister and her two girls came up to stay the rest of the weekend with us.

We had such fun playing on the playgrounds and doing the kids craft of slime making.

We went down to the beach and played in the water and sand all day on Sunday....Scooby even took a dip in the water, which was shocking to see. :)

I kind of get carried away when it comes to beach settings....even if it is at our local lake. 

Like I was saying, it was a bit shocking to see that Scooby even wanted to take a few spins in the water.  But the part that got me was that each time he came out of the water, he would roll around in the sand and would coat his entire face and body in it.  He was a sandy mess to say the least.  I'm still trying to get sand out of his coat.  But as you can see on his face, he thoroughly enjoyed it. 

 We did a few rounds of putt putt golfing during our stay....my nieces (baby Ellie and big sis Abby) were having a great time with it as well.

We also went to the pond and fed a few of the ducks that flew in, and of course as true campers do....we had to make S'mores!!! Does anyone go camping and NOT make smores? Do you consideration camping if you don't have them?  LOL

Now it's your turn....do you consider camping in a travel trailer "camping"? Or do you prefer to do the tent?  Do you have traditions when you go on trips with your family such as smores making?  Tell me all about it in the comment section below.  I'd love to hear how your family's version of camping it.

But that is all the ramblings from this regular mom for today.  I hope you enjoyed a quick glimpse into the ordinary but extraordinary thing we here at 523 call "life".  I hope you will all come back and visit me again here at 523.  I will be back with more affordable makeup tutorials next time.  Until then, take care.


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