Showing posts with label Weekly Goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weekly Goals. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

July 30th Weekly Goals

Happy Monday!! I realized one thing I missed so much about blogging was my weekly goals list.  I love to write out what I have to do during the week.  It allows me to see it and execute it accordingly.....ok that may not be the entire truth, I will admit, sometimes my life just can't deal with "to do" list.  But it's  good way for me to at least make a hard earned attempt as executing my "to do" list.  But anyways, here we go...

The hubs was off work all weekend, but none of us were at home.  We had a death in the family and had a funeral to attend plus two luncheons in memory of Brad's uncle Paul.  What all of that means is that I didn't get a single thing done in the house.  So my first order of business is to get the house put back together.

I will go forth with my usual weekly home blessing which consists of 8 items (I will update this page soon) that I do as quickly as humanly possible.  The sweeping and mopping in total takes me about 15 minutes to do, the dusting, vacuuming, sheets and cleaning the fish tank (the fish is named Gyarados, after a Pokemon 😏) each take 10 minutes to do and the last four times take a total of 5 minutes for all four.  So that puts me at an exact hour to clean my entire house.  Not too shabby for a 2200 sq. ft. least that's my thoughts.  But I don't always do it all in one day.  A lot of the times I will break it down into two or three days.  So this morning, I can check off the fish tank, because I did this before I left for work.

  • Sweep / mop
  • Dust
  • Vacuum
  • Change Sheets
  • Gyarados fish tank
  • Wash bath mats
  • Scooby's Bowls...this is the dog's bowls, they get gross if they aren't cleaned each week
  • Microwave
I like to work on one spot in the house each week and this week is the living room and the front porch.  This week's zone cleaning I am going to have Caleb tackle his Legos and toys that he has laying around the living room and have him get those put away.  I will be doing the detailed cleaning with doors, blinds and fans in the living room for this week.  

Being that today is Monday, I will not be at home for nearly the entire day.  Mondays are the days that Caleb and I go see my grandmother in town and visit with her until the hubs gets off of work.  Of course I still have to feed my family, therefore I always make sure I plan for that.  Tonight we are going to do sub sandwiches for dinner.  I will buy a loaf of french bread and cold cuts and assemble it all together and dinner will be ready in a matter of 5 minutes.  But for reference, here's the rest of the week's meals.

Monday:  Sub sandwiches, pickle plate, chips, watermelon

Tuesday:  Spaghetti, corn, garlic bread (Tuesdays are either spaghetti or Tacos.  (if it were up the boys we'd only eat the tacos, but I can't handle tacos every single week so I substitute another favorite of the boys, spaghetti)

Wednesday: Pork roast in the crock pot, green beans, flavored rice

Thursday:.......I might have to get back to you on this one. 😁....I'm not entirely sure what to fix on Thursday.  

Friday:  The hubs is off work, woohoo!! That means it's Brad's day to cook....I better make sure there's something good in the freezer for him to heat up. 😂  I don't, won't and will NEVER complain about him heating cooking dinner for us.

I only plan thru Thursday (and sometimes not even) because we might go out to dinner on Saturday or Caleb and I might plan a movie night and have fun little munchies on the couch for dinner, so Saturdays are something we just go with the flow on.  But that's our meal plan for the week.

Caleb and I always have a plan to go to visit my grandmother on Mondays to check on her and make sure she doesn't need anything and mostly to give her company. So Monday's schedule is to visit with Granny.

My next personal goal for the week is to finish my research on a paper I have for school to write.  I am working on my Bachelors degree currently and my class I am attending is computers and their make up.  This is NOT the sort of "make up" I am very interested in, but it's required so I have to get it done.  So my research for the paper is my goal this week.

Another thing we have to attend is a cubscout meet.  We are meeting at the local college to do a Stem activity whereas the boys will be building robots with legos.  Caleb's super stoked about this not so much....I just don't care for Legos or robots.  But Caleb and Brad are excited, so I'll just be there to take photos. 

Lastly we have a birthday party to go to and that requires us getting this friend of Caleb's a gift.  I don't like going places during the week after work so I think we might go after the Cubscout thing on Friday....we are going to be cutting it close by a day but I'm sure we'll be fine.  

My final item on my list is my blog post schedule.  It's all about the peach and lemons this week and there will also be one post on my Boxy Charm.  I want to get up one more post on the Lemonade Craze pallet, a tutorial and then my final review.  I also want to post a tutorial on the Peach Punch pallet as well.  But I have got to get up my Boxy Charm for before July is over, preferably. 😀

So that's all the goals I have for today.  I should have my Lemonade Craze tutorial up soon...and as soon as I get my Sephora order in, I will see if I am correct as to what this Lemonade Craze pallet might possibly be duping...I won't know until I get my order, but I will be sure to let you know what I find.

That's all for now, I will be submitting my tutorial really soon so be on the lookout for that.  Until next time, take care.


Monday, June 19, 2017

June 19th Goals

It's Monday everyone, as much as we do or don't like it, we still have to go thru it.  But it's always better when you have a plan in action as to what to do.  Just like any other Monday, below you will see my weekly goals laid out for your viewing (and mine).  Here we go...

So this Monday is cruddy for Caleb.  Poor thing had to go get two cavities filled this morning.  He's sore and very tired.  However, I think a good nap will cure him of his illness for sure.

My weekly home blessing is in order for this week most definitely.  My list is as follows:

  • sweep / mop
  • vacuum
  • dust
  • change / wash sheets
  • wash bathmats
  • wipe microwave
  • clean out Scooby's bowls (our dog)

I only spend about 10-15 minutes per task and some only take mere seconds to accomplish.  I usually do a couple each day and have it all completed by Tuesday or Wednesday.  I love doing this during the week so the weekends can be saved for family, fun and relaxation.

The zone for this week is the master bed room and bathroom.  I am looking forward to clearing out my nightstands and reorganizing them.  I will show you what they look like when I finish.  I have some big plans for my nightstands and the materials needed already.  I just have to schedule in the time to do it.  

Flylady's pamper mission for the week is to either go have lunch with a friend or spend 15 minutes chatting with them on the phone.  I will find that easy because I chat with my bffs all the time. :)

I'm still trying very hard to make my workouts more of a priority and I am continuing with that this week.  I usually will do 45 minute aerobic workout Monday thru Friday mornings.  I don't know how easy it is for other people to get up a little early to workout but with my schedule I have to get up at 4:15 in the morning to work out.  So I try to give myself a great deal of credit when I get it done and a little slack if I miss one.  But I am always after progress not perfection.

I have just recently started reading a daily devotions book for women.  I am really enjoying it so far.  I love getting up and getting a positive start to the day with encouraging words.  What prompted me to start a daily devotions was because I have been feeling down and out for a few weeks now and was looking for some positive reinforcements to help me.  I do suffer from anxiety and depression and have for most of my adult life.  I am on a prescription medicine and I am able to lead a very happy and fulfilled life, but I still get my moments from time that can become a tad difficult to endure.  It usually stems around stress, overworking, under budgeting, or just busyness that I sometimes fall into.   And that is going on right now in my life because I am planning Caleb's birthday party, while redecorating his room and planning a mini trip to Austin in the coming weeks.  I really push myself this time of the year so its no wonder my body and mind react this way.

But with all of that said, I started reading devotions each morning and meditating a bit each day.  I can already tell a beautiful difference in myself already and I am excited to incorporate more uplifting activities in my day.  I had thought about getting back into journaling or even those adult coloring books.  But for now I am going to work on devotion reading becoming a habit and then assess from there.  I will let you know if I add anything else to my list.  

So I believe that is all I have for now.  It seems like a long list but I don't have to do it all in one day and most everything I do, I will set a timer for 10 or 15 minutes to do this in.   So it's not so overwhelming to me.  Let me know what your week looks like, I'd love to know.

Until next time, take care.


Monday, June 12, 2017

June 12th Goals

Happy Monday friends!!

This Monday is a bit rough for my family and I so I am going to make this week's goals a bit short and easy.

We just got back from an eight day trip to California.  (If you follow me on Instagram you will see an overload of pictures I took.) Yesterday afternoon in fact, was when we returned.  So we are all jet lagged and tired.  I will not be doing any sort of weekly home blessing this week because I took care of that on Saturday before we left.  I came home to fresh sheets, clean and smelling sweet home on Sunday.  It was wonderful.....until we unloaded all of our luggage of course.  Now our home smells like wet laundry and is covered in sand from the beach.  But all is well.

Home goals this week are all about the laundry.  I am back at work today so I only have the late afternoons  and early mornings to do this.  I am hoping I will have it done no later than Wednesday (fingers crossed).  And NO organizing or zones this week, too tired to care about that right now.  After all, I just got back from vacation, life is tough right now. ;)

My health and fitness goals this week are to grind thru my 5 day workouts for this week. It's always hard when you've been off for a week.  I use a stair stepper for 45 minutes Monday thru Friday.  I can count one down today. Woohoo!!

I haven't done any meal planning for this week but I am going to have to just "wing it" and work on next week's meal plan.  My boys don't know it yet, but there are about to be some healthy stuff for dinner coming their way.  LOL  I think going on vacation and only having junk food around is a great motivator for eating very healthy when you get home.

Pamper mission!! My favorite.  This week's Flylady Pamper Mission is to give yourself a sugar scrub.  If you click the link it will take you to the Flylady website where they have a diy recipe for a sugar scrub, if you don't have one already.  I already have one and am dying to use it some more.  I have some leftover faux tan that I am wanting to slough off.

I get the Treehut Sugar scrub from my local Walmart and it is absolutely DIVINE!! What I like to do is to sit in a hot bath for a few minutes and let my skin get nice and soften up from using either a bath bomb or bubble bath and then when that's finished I turn it to the shower and do my sugar scrub.  Let me tell you, it is heaven in a bathroom after that folks.  It won't be until Saturday that I will get to do my bath but I am totally looking forward to it.

So that's my goal list for this week.  What about you? What are you up to this week? Let me know in the comment section below.

Until next time,  take care.


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 29th Goals

Here we are at the beginning of the week.  What does that mean here at 523? It means it's time to set some weekly goals.  Are you ready? I am.....sort of.

Actually being that it is not Monday, it is actually Tuesday, I have already jumped ahead on my goals and got some good ones completed.  Below is what I am talking about.

For starters, we are going to be taking a trip soon and I am trying desperately to get ready for it.  The hubs, Caleb and I are going with the in-laws to California.  I'm so excited because I have never been!!  The in-laws are wanting to take Caleb on a Disney vacation before he get too big for Disney, and since we took him to Disney World when he was 5, they decided to take him to Disneyland.  I would like to say that Caleb is looking forward to the trip, but we haven't even told him yet.  :)  Brad wants to wait to tell him until the morning that we leave.  I'm not sure Caleb will care too much that morning, being that we are leaving the house at 4:00 in the morning for our flight.  But I will let Brad decide when and where to tell Caleb.  I was the one who determined how we told him when we went to Florida two years ago, so I think it is Brad's turn now.

So with that in mind, I have some prep work to do.  I want the house to be very clean, so detail dusting will be in order.  Along with heavy vacuuming and mopping.  I am going to do heavy cleaning this week so the day before we leave, I can just do a very quick clean and call it good.  I have already done this, since I was off work yesterday.  Caleb went to his grandparents to stay the night and I had the entire day to myself to do some very detailed dusting, mopping and vacuuming.

My detail cleaning is just my weekly home blessing routine, but instead of feather dusting and quick mopping and vacuuming, I go the extra mile and really get good scrubbing done.  If I didn't have a full day to myself to do this, then I would choose a task and complete one each day until I am done.

I love going on vacation but I love even more when I come home and my house is huggably happy and clean.  I know, I have issues.  But I can't help it.  I like to come home from vacation all rested and relaxed and there is no way you can be relaxed if you come home to a mess.  And that is what prep work is for.

I will be doing my regular weekly home blessing routine, but I will be doing this the day before we leave.

Sweep / Mop
Wash bathmats
Change / wash sheets
Feather dust
Clean dog bowls
Clean microwave
Take out all trash

Now this kind of cleaning is not a detailed clean, it is do it all as fast as humanly possible so you can get it over with.  I only spend about 10-15 minutes or even less on each task.  I can complete this in an hour, it's that quick.

There isn't going to be any room for zone cleaning or organizing this week since I will be vacation prepping.  But it will all resume very, very soon afterwards.  I am excited to go on vacation, but when I get back I have a fun project that I am itching to start in my master bedroom.  So, moving on...

On the Flylady website is the weekly pamper mission and it is to create a steam room in your bathroom.  It says to go into your bathroom and close the door.  Then turn on the shower with the hot water, but DON'T get into the shower.  Just strip down and then stay in the bathroom while it steams up from the hot water.  This is like your own personal "steam room" in the comforts of your own home.  Stay in there and "steam" for 15 minutes or more if you can, and then when finished slather yourself in lotion or body cream.  I'm kinda excited for this mission.  Although, I am going to take it a step (or three) further and when I'm done steaming, I will turn the water to shower temp and give myself a good sugar scrub.  I am then going to proceed with my self tanning lotion to get my skin "vacay ready".

My health goals are still keeping the sugar consumption low (although I don't want to talk about yesterday's food choices). I have been wanting to step up my workouts more this week.  So I am striving for 5 days a week for 30 minutes.

I am dying to get my car and purse cleaned out, both, this week.  I usually do one during one week and the next one the following week.  But this weekend we took Caleb to different outings and my purse got overloaded with a bunch of junk that Caleb found and trash from his fruit snacks and such.  My car was also used in the transportation of everyone to these multiple events so it's in need of a good cleaning out as well.  Speaking of outings, we went to the Science Museum and I some how convinced my mom and grandmother to try out the bed of nails.  You can see the photo in my Instagram account here.  I also tried it out, and I have to say, it was a very odd feeling to lay on an actual bed of nails.  But it was still fun.

So that's all I have to do, not that I could really fit much more in the week.  I am working some overtime this week at work so I'm really going to be strapped for time.  But I have a plan and all I have to do is stick to it as best I can.  I don't expect it to all be done perfectly but if I can get a good lick at the tasks I want to complete, then I will call it a success.

Let me know how you prep for vacation.  If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below for me.

Until next time, take care.


Monday, May 22, 2017

May 22nd Goals

Yay for Monday!! Am I right? No? Well, ok, I agree....Mondays aren't the absolute best days in the world, but like I said last week, "you have to get thru Monday in order to get to Friday".  So here we go with making this Monday productive.

So last Friday night I came down with a nasty cold.  Except for swim lessons on Saturday, I was in bed the entire weekend.  So needless to say, my house was in shambles from losing my routines for two and a half days.  I did not do any laundry, make beds or even have Caleb pickup his toys each night.  I only swished one bathroom and that was out of sheer habit.  I was already half way done swishing my bathroom before I even realized what I was doing and I couldn't stop half way, so it got done.

Because I was down and out I didn't make Caleb pickup his toys before bed, like usual, and him and the hubs were left un-attended on Sunday together and again not made to pickup before bed.  That really made for a messy 523.  So Legos, Transformers and Power Ranger toys were strewn about the house.  It is a minefield for your bare feet right now.  So this afternoon, being that Caleb will not have any homework, we will be working on picking up all of the field mines toys and getting them put back in their home

After all is picked up, I will begin my home blessing.

You can read about that here.  But its just a few items I do as quickly as possible to keep my home in tip top shape.

  • Sweep / Mop
  • Dust
  • Vacuum
  • Change / Wash Sheets
  • Wash Bath Mats
  • Clean Scooby's bowls
  • Clean microwave

I spend 10-15 minutes tops on each item.  Things like the bath mats, microwave and our dog (Scooby's ) bowls only take mere seconds to do so I do all of those in one swoop.  

 I will not do all of this today, in fact I will only be doing the sheets, sweep / mop and washing the bath mats today and then tomorrow morning and afternoon I will finish the rest up.  

Zones for this week are in the Master Bed and Bathroom.  I will be doing a detailed dusting in those two rooms along with washing the comforter.  We keep the bed and bath clutter free so there is never much that has to be done other than cleaning the comforters and a good detail dusting.  I will do the comforter on Saturday (it takes about 4 hours to wash and dry our king size comforter) but the dusting will be done on Tuesday.  

My health goals this week include upping my workout to 5 days for 30 minutes.  I have done today's already and feeling good about tomorrows.  

This week's Flylady's pamper mission is to relax with some music.  I think I will be listening to some smooth jazz while I take a long bubble bath this Sunday.  

I would like plan something fun for Caleb and I to do this weekend.  It's the hubs weekend to work so we like to go and do fun stuff that dad doesn't like to do on those weekends.  But it has to be budget friendly because we are so very close to our savings goal for our travel trailer.  

That's about all I think I can fit into my weekly plan for now.  I didn't do so great last week, we had some family illnesses and I had my niece over for the majority of the week and I had spent a lot of time running her back and forth to the hospital to visit her mom and dad.  I didn't get any zone work done on my home and I lacked greatly on the laundry as well.  So I am ready to kick it up a notch or two this week and get my home back in order.  

What about you? What are your plans for the week? Let me know in the comment section below.

Until next week, take care.


Monday, May 15, 2017

May 15th Goals

Ouch, this Monday was hard to get up to.  We had a super busy, but fun weekend and we just weren't ready for it to be over with quite so soon.   My BFF and I went to a wine tasting on Saturday night while our boys cooked out.  It was so late when we left there, we were all a so tired the next morning.

But nevertheless, in order to make it to the weekend again, we must tackle Monday first.  So here we go with my weekly goals.

For my home:
Weekly Home Blessing these are just the few items I do as fast as humanly possible to keep my home in tip top shape

  • trash
  • sweep / mop
  • vacuum
  • dust
  • change / wash sheets and bath mats
  • clean microwave
  • clean Scooby's bowls

I have a monster-ous mess in my kitchen right now.  Not dishes or food, but basically the supplies I had out for my mothers day dinner preparations that I was doing for my mom.  I made two batches of banana pudding, loaded potatoes and deviled eggs.  I still have storage containers everywhere and spices and seasonings on my counter.  I don't usually leave stuff like that out, but my potatoes were taking a lot longer to prepare than I had imagined so I had to grab them and leave in a hurry.  So I have some picking up to do today.  

This week's zone is the main bathroom / kid's bed and bath / extra room.  I am actually not sure what I want to work on in these areas.  I think I might vacuum out Caleb's closet and de-clutter his bathroom storage.

This week's pamper mission from Flylady is to clean out and take inventory of your lingerie drawer.  Being that Summer is upon us we have to be ready to wear those sleeveless and strapless summer clothing.  I will definitely be doing this because in June Victoria's Secret has their semi-annual sale and I usually try to hit it up when it comes around.  I know there are some items I need to replace in this drawer and now is the perfect time to make a list for what to buy. 

This is the week I clean out my car so that will be on my agenda.  I try to alternate a clean car and a clean purse each week.  I drive about 50 miles a day thru construction areas so after two weeks my car is so covered in dust that you can't tell it's even red.  

I have my blog post almost all ready for this week.  I am doing a tutorial on a look that I found on Pintrest.  The original look was done with the Anastasia Modern Renaissance pallet, but I recreated it using a small Wet N Wild pallet along with the Maybelline Nudes pallet.  I wore it on Saturday night and Sunday and received so many compliments on it.  I even had a man say how nice it looked.  LOL

My health goals have been to limit the sugar and sweets to two days a per week and I have been doing pretty good there.  I have been working out more than usual this past few weeks so that is another goal to keep at it.  I still like having a couple days of plant based foods as breakfast and lunch.  I don't want to add any new health goals just yet because I have been really trying to fit my workouts in more regularly and I am still focusing on that for now.  

For last week my goals weren't too strenuous because I spent Monday at the hospital with my baby sister while she had her second baby girl.  I kept up with them all quite well so I gave myself a much needed pat on the back. LOL

What does your week look like? Let me know in the comments below.  Until next time, take care.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

May 8th Goals

Well, this week is starting off on a late foot.  I was at the hospital all day yesterday with my sister.  She finally had her baby girl.  I am tired from just sitting at the hospital waiting.  LOL  So my goal post is being done on Tuesday instead of Monday for the week.

I have my usual WBH routine.  You can click on the link and it will take you to what my weekly home blessing looks like in more detail.  But it is just my weekly cleaning list that I do to keep my home in tip top shape.

I think I am going to skip the zone cleaning this week because of yesterday's late day at the hospital and then today Caleb has a dentist appointment and we won't be home until some time after 6 pm.  I am pretty caught up on it all anyways, so I'm not concerned with being behind or losing time on anything.  That's what I love about the Flylady system, as long as you do your routines each day and stick to the plan you can have "off days" or even for me its almost an "off week" and still have your home in order and looking wonderful.  I'm basically going to get the key areas of my home done and the rest of the time I am going to take a break.

This week's pamper mission is to schedule a day to eat lunch or hang out with a friend.  I have already got that one planned out.  My friends Crystal and Jessica and I are going to visit a winery this coming Saturday night while the boys hang out back home.  I am looking forward to this and can't wait until Saturday.  We have been wanting to do this for a couple months now but none of our schedules have been able to match up until this weekend.  It couldn't have come at a better time.  I am needing some "girl chat" time.   With Brad working as much as he has, it has just been Caleb and I and really there is only so much Lego Ninjago I can talk about until my face turns blue and I blow up.  So I'm excited to have a Lego free night with the girls.  :)

Blogging goals this week are kind of up in the air.  I have an empties post I want to do and another makeup tutorial but I have to get the photos done before anything can be posted.  I am working hard on it so hopefully it will come together.  I am excited to show you how I like to wear blue eyeliner and blue mascara, being that I am a gal in my upper 30s.  I think it can be done so effortlessly and look very chic without looking juvenile.

So that's all I am doing for the week.  How does your week look?  Let me know in the comments below.

Until next time, take care.


Monday, May 1, 2017

May 1st Goals

Yay for Monday!! As much as I hate to admit it, I do actually enjoy an extent of course.  I mean, its still Monday and that means 5 days away from the weekend and sleeping in, but for me Mondays are a chance to start my week over and off on a good foot.  I am one who likes to get my work and responsibilities done at the very beginning of the day, week, months, whatever, and that way I have to rest of the time to do whatever I want.  So Mondays for me are my jumping pad for taking off to a fun and productive week.  That's why I make my goals for the week on Mondays.  So here we go....

My Weekly Home Blessing:

  • Change / Wash Sheets
  • Sweep / Mop / Bathmats
  • Clean Scooby's Bowls
  • Clean Microwave
  • Dust
  • Trash 

This week I have got to clean my car.  I cleaned my purse last week and I will alternate purse and car every other week or so.  But it has been raining a ton here and I drive thru 25 miles of construction zone one way to work and the dirt from that drive makes my car a filthy mess.   Plus Caleb lost a Lego Ninjago mini fig helmet somewhere in the car and it might help to look for it when we go to clean out the car. :)  PS: That missing helmet has been a severe catastrophe in the eyes of little 6 year old Caleb.  He's so upset because his PaPaw bought him that set that came with that little figure and he spent a good part of yesterday in tears because his "Papaw spent his hard earned money to buy it for him and he lost the helmet".  I am still in shock that he stated this to me.  He's too grown up for being only 6.

I'm going to do a Flylady post this week.  I am excited to share with you all about how I do my weekly home blessings.  I have been a flybaby for 10 years now and I do feel I am pretty well versed on the system, but mostly how I made it work for me.  I have a severely born organized mother in law and while many years ago the in laws would have made sly remarks about my house keeping, that is definitely a thing in the past.  My MIL actually comments regularly on how organized and clean my home is.  ;)  

I have been working harder on my health lately, being that I will be turning 36 this year, I am no spring chicken.  I know that I have to make my health as well as my family's a priority so I am keeping up with kicking the sugar habit to only twice per week.  I do my best to keep this to the weekends.  

I am working on Caleb's playroom closet for this month.   I have most of my zone house work done so I have some major free time to alot to this project and my goodness does it need it.  I will have to take some before pics and show you.  I will NOT show my MIL, she would most certainly change her mind about calling my house organized.  LOL   I just cannot get a handle on this room.  I think it's because with my stuff, I have no problem donating things I don't use but for me to donate Caleb's things are a bit more harder.  And he is even worse at it than me.  But I am determined I will eventually succeed after consistent baby stepping.

The Flylady's monthly habit this month is "Moving in May" and I am excited to get back to doing some extra movement, in the form of cardio that is, to help my health journey kick up a notch.  I am certain I will want to stay around long enough to see my grandkids. 

This week's pamper mission from Flylady is to break out the fancy lotions and potions that you save for "special occasions" and actually use them.  I don't have any problems with this because I do this on a regular basis.  I adore getting to go to Bath and Bodyworks and find yummy scented pamper goodies for myself.  Saturday I went and restocked on the newly released bath bombs they have come out with and took myself ANOTHER bubble bath on Sunday.  If you don't already know, I haven't had a bubble bath since before Caleb was born.  I finally took one two Sundays ago and it was heavenly so I continued on with yesterday and loved it even more.  So basically this pamper mission is just allowing me to refill my scented potion collection. :)

I will talk to you all again, soon.  Until then, take care.


Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24th Goals

Yay for Monday!! Am I right? No? Oh well, we still have to get thru Monday in order to arrive at Friday so we might as well make it count.

It's the first of the week and its when I like to make my goal list for the coming days as well as look back on last week to see how I did.

So my typical week will always begin with my home blessing.  I break up my tasks and do one or two per day until it's complete

  • Change / Wash Sheets
  • Sweep / Mop / Wash Bathmats
  • Vacuum
  • Trash
  • Dust
  • Clean Dog Bowls (yep, even Scooby has a part in my home blessing)
  • Clean Microwave (it gets pretty gross if I don't do this each week)
I already have my menu made out for next week so I can check that off.

My zone area for the week is the living room so I am going to tackle the two closets, one at the entry way and one in the hallway.  I am wanting to have shelves put up in the hall closet so it can be kind of like a linen closet instead of an empty hole.  So I am going to get measurements and start looking up pricing on shelves.  With any luck I might be able to talk the hubs into going to the cabinet shop (family's place of business) and making me some shelves.  :)

Last week's health goals were to keep the sweets to just the weekend, one plant based breakfast and one extremely healthy dinner.  I did pretty good.  This week will be the same, being that I'm trying to get these down first. 

This week's pamper mission is to give yourself a much needed foot massage with lotion.  I am definitely going to do this.  Last week was a soak in the hot bath.  I did just that.  I kicked Caleb out of his room (that's where the garden tub resides), had Brad entertain him and got to soaking.  Caleb and I went to the mall Saturday and picked up Bath and Body Works new bath bombs and let me tell you, they were phenomenal! I came out smelling awesome and feeling even better.  

My last goal is to post something other than my weekly goals.  I was busy putting up Easter stuff last week and so I didn't get much of a chance to take photos of my posts that I want to write.  So this week I have a couple in mind to do.  I just gotta get the photos done.

Well, I think that's all I can fit into one week.  Tell me what your goals are for the week.

Until next time, take care.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 17th Goals

It's Monday  Tuesday!! That means I am late on posting my weekly goals.  LOL
I like to post them on Monday but because I do all my post on my computer at my office and I was off on Monday, then I don't get to post.

Anyways here we go.

The weekly pamper mission from Flylady is to take some much needed TLC in the bubble bath.   I am not sure when I will do this but I will try for Saturday.  Our only bathroom that had a full size tub is in Caleb's room.  So I will have to boot him out of his room for 30 minutes.  I will let you know how that works out. LOL  If all else fails I will have a pamper shower in my bathroom.

My usual Flylady weekly home blessing:

  • Change / Wash Sheets
  • Sweep / Mop Floors / Wash Bathmats
  • Dust
  • Vacuum
  • Trash
  • Dog Bowls
  • Microwave
I will be remembering to make my menu BEFORE I go grocery shopping.

I usually clean my car out one week and clean out my purse the next and this week I will be tackling the car.  I'm pretty good at keeping trash out of the car each time I get fuel but I drive thru construction zones everyday so my car gets really dusty on the outside and by the two week mark it definitely needs a good vacuum and wipe down on the inside.

The zone area for the week is the master bed and bath.  I am working on cleaning all the doors in my house.  You know, just wiping all the fingerprints off and such.  I will be doing the master area's doors for this week

My health goals are same as before plus one:
One plant based breakfast, no sweets until the weekend, my pamper goal and I am adding to make one really healthy meal for my family.  Now, I try to make our meals as healthy as humanly possible being that my boys are very southern and so is my cooking.  But I am talking about making a sure fire, heart healthy, low carb, low sugar, full of protein type meal.  I want this to be packed with antioxidants and all the other good stuff I have not yet discovered. LOL.  My boys will surely moan and groan but I will make the day after their Taco Tuesday so I can balance out the heart hazard that comes with my tacos.  ;)

For last week's goals, I did quite well on my menu and home goals, but that might be from the fact of having 20 people come to my house for Easter that loomed over my head.  My health goals, well.... not so much.  I had my plant based meal but the sweets during the week are still my weakness.  But I am going to keep trying until I get it right.

I think that's all the goals I can fit into one week.  Tell me what yours are, I would love to know.
Talk to you again soon.


Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10th Goals

It's Monday, (woo hoo!!) that means its time for my weekly goals and a look back to see how well I did from last week.  My home goals are pretty close to being the same as last week but my health goals have been added to, along with this week's pamper mission.

Goals for our home:
    1. Sweep / Mop
    2. Vacuum
    3. Dust
    4. Trash
    5. Sheets
    6. Clean dog bowls
    7. Clean microwave
  • Work on Zone 3 which will be Caleb's Playroom.  Caleb has a large table that he uses to build lego creations on but unfortunately he leaves them all scattered out on the table.  Being that we are having family over for Easter, and there will be some babies crawling around, I want to make sure all Legos are put away so we have not choking hazards. 
  • I am still working on doing my daily swishing and swiping of the hubs bathroom.  So that's still on the list.
  • Meal Planning for next week 

Goals for my health:
  • I'm keeping it the same with banning the sweets during the week. 
  • **New Goal** One breakfast per week will consist of plant based foods only.
  • Pamper mission from Flylady's website - give my nails a hot oil spa treatment.

Ok so last week, I did pretty good with my home goals.  I am still lacking on the swishing of Brad's bathroom but I am determined to get this routine down.  I finished my home blessings and zone work and made my meal plan.  For my health I failed at the sweets department.  :(  I gave in on Friday when a coworker had a ton of chocolate candy that they couldn't keep to themselves.  But this is a new week.  I also did awesome at my pamper mission, which was to rest for two hours and during that I also did my pedicure and caught up on my reading.

I'm excited for this week because Caleb is out of school early on Thursday and we are going to eat lunch somewhere together and do our Easter dinner shopping and then he is also out of school next Monday as well and we are going to go to the movie theater.    I might be posting next week's goals on Tuesday instead of Monday since he will be out of school.

Well I think that about wraps up my April 10th goals.  What are you up to this week? Let me know in the comment section below.


Linking up with: Let's Be Friends Blog Hop

Monday, April 3, 2017

April 3rd Goals

It's  Monday!! That means its the time of the week that I make out my weekly goals.  I will also take a look at last week and see how I did on my goals then as well and see where I can improve or just give myself a pat on the back for a "job well done".

Most of my weekly goals will stay the same but depending on the week there will be some minor tweaks.  This has to do with what home "Zone" we are in that week.

This week is almost exactly the same as last week.  I missed my pamper mission and my menu planning.  :(  That was quite the bummer but I definitely vow to do better this week.

Goal number 1:
Home Blessing / Home Zone Entrance / Front Porch / Dining Room
  • Sweep / Mop
  • Dust
  • Trash (this is Caleb's job)
  • Change / Wash Sheets
  • Vacuum the floors
  • Microwave
  • Dog Bowls
  • Zone work is to wipe the front door and the door by the dining room
Goal number 2: This is a repeat because there is too much stuff in this room
27 Fling in the Playroom closet for throw away, put away and give away.  I am out to tackle this room if it is the last thing I do!!  :)

Goal number 3:  Again another repeat because I didn't do very well
Work on swish & swipe in Brad's bathroom.  I have slacked on his bathroom and while he will eventually clean it himself, it still makes me feel better when I have cleaned it and know just how clean it actually is.  

Goal number 4:  Wow, this week is very similar to last week
Monday thru Friday with no sweets.  I did really well last week and am very proud of myself for this.  I am going to go at it again.   It's a lot easier when I know that come the weekend that all bets are off and I can finally indulge in my sweet tooth. 

Goal number 5:
Make my meal plan for next week.  Easy, peasy, right?  Wrong!! I totally botched this one for the week.  I have no clue what I am having tonight for dinner.  I have a lasagna in the freezer that I am sure will be crowing our table for dinner tonight and of course, I can't forget my boys "Taco Tuesday" that they have to have every single Tuesday (no lie).  But the rest of the week is beyond me right now. 

Goal number 6:  Pamper Mission!!
I am still in shock that I have to actually schedule myself time to pamper me.  I didn't do last week's pamper mission.  So I am going to for sure stick to it this week.  I said I would give myself a pedicure but didn't even make it far enough to take off the existing polish on my toenails.  So tonight that is what I am going to do.  I am going to baby step this all week until it's done.  Tonight I will take off the polish and tomorrow morning in the shower I will do some severe scrubbing and then the next day I will polish with some bright coral colored lacquer.  I am going to piggy back this with Flylady's Weekly Pamper Mission.  It's a 2 hour break.  I am thinking that Caleb and I are going to watch a movie on Sunday (it's the hubs Sunday to work) and spend some good quality "down time" with each other.  Who knows, if my toenails are done, I might just throw some bright colored polish on my fingernails to match my brightly colored toes.  :)

What is your week looking like?  I have been thinking about posting my weekly menus on this post in the future.  It might force me to be better at actually making a menu.

Well, I guess that is all the "goal setting" I think I will be doing for this. week.  Let me know what you think and what you have on your goal list for the week.  I love new ideas!!

Until next time, take care.


Monday, March 27, 2017

March 27th Goals

It's Monday again, and this is the time of the week where I set my goals for the week.  I don't do this on Sunday, and I am not sure why, it is just easier for me on Mondays, so whatever works I guess.  I like listing out the things I need or want to do so I can have the gratification of checking them off when I am done.

Goal number 1:
Home Blessing / Home Zone (living room / Caleb's Playroom)
  • Sweep / Mop
  • Dust
  • Detail Dust the Living Room and Playroom
  • Trash (this is Caleb's job)
  • Change / Wash Sheets
  • Vacuum the floors

Goal number 2:
27 Fling in the Playroom closet for throw away, put away and give away.  I am out to tackle this room if it is the last thing I do!!  :)

Goal number 3:
Work on swish & swipe in Brad's bathroom.  I have slacked on his bathroom and while he will eventually clean it himself, it still makes me feel better when I have cleaned it and know just how clean it actually is.  

Goal number 4:
I had a goal last week where I wanted to go the entire week without sweets.  I almost made it, but we had company over this weekend and they brought dessert.  So this week I am just going to keep it to the week days.  I figure any little bit counts right? 

Goal number 5:
Make my meal plan for next week.  Easy, peasy.

Goal number 6:  Pamper Mission!! (my favorite)
Give myself a mini pedicure.  (its sad that i have to schedule to pamper myself)

We had a nasty storm last night and Caleb and our dog, Scooby, slept in our room so needless to say, I am very tired.  My goal list isn't going to be too hardcore because I will most likely be slacking a bit today.  But who knows, I might kick it in severe gear tomorrow.  
