The hubs was off work all weekend, but none of us were at home. We had a death in the family and had a funeral to attend plus two luncheons in memory of Brad's uncle Paul. What all of that means is that I didn't get a single thing done in the house. So my first order of business is to get the house put back together.
I will go forth with my usual weekly home blessing which consists of 8 items (I will update this page soon) that I do as quickly as humanly possible. The sweeping and mopping in total takes me about 15 minutes to do, the dusting, vacuuming, sheets and cleaning the fish tank (the fish is named Gyarados, after a Pokemon 😏) each take 10 minutes to do and the last four times take a total of 5 minutes for all four. So that puts me at an exact hour to clean my entire house. Not too shabby for a 2200 sq. ft. least that's my thoughts. But I don't always do it all in one day. A lot of the times I will break it down into two or three days. So this morning, I can check off the fish tank, because I did this before I left for work.
- Sweep / mop
- Dust
- Vacuum
- Change Sheets
Gyarados fish tank- Wash bath mats
- Scooby's Bowls...this is the dog's bowls, they get gross if they aren't cleaned each week
- Microwave
I like to work on one spot in the house each week and this week is the living room and the front porch. This week's zone cleaning I am going to have Caleb tackle his Legos and toys that he has laying around the living room and have him get those put away. I will be doing the detailed cleaning with doors, blinds and fans in the living room for this week.
Being that today is Monday, I will not be at home for nearly the entire day. Mondays are the days that Caleb and I go see my grandmother in town and visit with her until the hubs gets off of work. Of course I still have to feed my family, therefore I always make sure I plan for that. Tonight we are going to do sub sandwiches for dinner. I will buy a loaf of french bread and cold cuts and assemble it all together and dinner will be ready in a matter of 5 minutes. But for reference, here's the rest of the week's meals.
Monday: Sub sandwiches, pickle plate, chips, watermelon
Tuesday: Spaghetti, corn, garlic bread (Tuesdays are either spaghetti or Tacos. (if it were up the boys we'd only eat the tacos, but I can't handle tacos every single week so I substitute another favorite of the boys, spaghetti)
Wednesday: Pork roast in the crock pot, green beans, flavored rice
Thursday:.......I might have to get back to you on this one. 😁....I'm not entirely sure what to fix on Thursday.
Friday: The hubs is off work, woohoo!! That means it's Brad's day to cook....I better make sure there's something good in the freezer for him to heat up. 😂 I don't, won't and will NEVER complain about him heating cooking dinner for us.
I only plan thru Thursday (and sometimes not even) because we might go out to dinner on Saturday or Caleb and I might plan a movie night and have fun little munchies on the couch for dinner, so Saturdays are something we just go with the flow on. But that's our meal plan for the week.
Caleb and I always have a plan to go to visit my grandmother on Mondays to check on her and make sure she doesn't need anything and mostly to give her company. So Monday's schedule is to visit with Granny.
My next personal goal for the week is to finish my research on a paper I have for school to write. I am working on my Bachelors degree currently and my class I am attending is computers and their make up. This is NOT the sort of "make up" I am very interested in, but it's required so I have to get it done. So my research for the paper is my goal this week.
Another thing we have to attend is a cubscout meet. We are meeting at the local college to do a Stem activity whereas the boys will be building robots with legos. Caleb's super stoked about this not so much....I just don't care for Legos or robots. But Caleb and Brad are excited, so I'll just be there to take photos.
Lastly we have a birthday party to go to and that requires us getting this friend of Caleb's a gift. I don't like going places during the week after work so I think we might go after the Cubscout thing on Friday....we are going to be cutting it close by a day but I'm sure we'll be fine.
My final item on my list is my blog post schedule. It's all about the peach and lemons this week and there will also be one post on my Boxy Charm. I want to get up one more post on the Lemonade Craze pallet, a tutorial and then my final review. I also want to post a tutorial on the Peach Punch pallet as well. But I have got to get up my Boxy Charm for before July is over, preferably. 😀
So that's all the goals I have for today. I should have my Lemonade Craze tutorial up soon...and as soon as I get my Sephora order in, I will see if I am correct as to what this Lemonade Craze pallet might possibly be duping...I won't know until I get my order, but I will be sure to let you know what I find.
That's all for now, I will be submitting my tutorial really soon so be on the lookout for that. Until next time, take care.