Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Favorite Childhood Memory

photo by Ilya Ilyukhin

I was skimming thru Pintrest, not surprising, and stumbled upon a bunch of different list for blog post ideas.  This one happened to catch my eye of 105 Blog Post Ideas from the blog "It Starts With Coffee".  I loved this list and wanted to try it out, but didn't know quite where to start so I just decided to start from the top.  I guess I'm going to do my absolute best to go thru each one of these on the list here on the blog.  So here is the first one....

Favorite Childhood Memory
For a little history, I grew up in an average suburban neighborhood from birth until I was about 12 or 13.  I went to a wonderful private catholic school, my best friend lived directly across the street from me and I was one of four kids in our home.  I was well educated, I had plenty of siblings and my bff there to play with and a great neighborhood to play in.  I have many great memories from my childhood, but I'd say my fondest were always us playing in the front yard with the neighborhood kids.
My older sister's best friend lived next door, my younger sisters best friend lived across the street (she was the little sister to my bff) and my brother's best friend lived across the street and down two houses.  It didn't matter what the weather was like, the time of day or night even, we'd always play in the front yard and everyone would be there.  Of course it wasn't our front yard....nope, it belonged to the old lady that lived next door.  She had this beautiful St. Augustine grass that was so soft and lush, it was the perfect place to do cartwheels, hand stands and any other thing we could possibly thing of.  She was the perfect neighbor, she always let us play in her yard and a few times a month she'd bring over her famous freshly baked loaf of potato out of the oven, I might add.
One thing I remember the absolute most was when New Kids On The Block were the big boy band of the times (did I just tell you my age?) and we would sit on the brick wing of either my friends house or the old lady next door's house singing loudly to "The Right Stuff" whilst we dreamed about who we loved the most and would marry.  For me it was Joe....oh and I was going to marry him in a peach dress, not white, I was not very traditional when I was ten.  So we did that for the longest time and would sit on the brick wing singing for what I swear was like hours until it was too dark and had to each go home.
I had so much fun growing up in that beautiful neighborhood.  I have so many other great memories, too many to list here, but it all centered around having my best friend living across the street.
Thanks for taking the time to visit me here and I hope you return.  Let me know in the comments below what your favorite childhood memory was.


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